Weight Loss Success — Without Dieting
Great news if you want to lose weight. Finally, a book that helps you lose weight without dieting and it's fully guaranteed.

The World's Healthiest Foods is possibly the cure to the American problems of obesity. - Astrida

George Mateljan's newest book, Weight Loss Success — Without Dieting, True Stories About Losing Weight with the World's Healthiest Foods, was inspired by the many letters he has received from Readers of his book, The World's Healthiest Foods and the whfoods.org website. The Readers who made a lifestyle change to eating more of the health-promoting World's Healthiest Foods not only reported improved health but weight loss without dieting. Here are just a few examples of what Readers say about how the World's Healthiest Foods inspired their weight loss:

I enjoy your recipes and have learned that eating healthfully is a more logical and sensible way to lose weight, along with keeping a food journal. I have lost 102 pounds doing this, rather than dieting, as through diet clubs the only thing one loses permanently is their money! Thanks - hope this makes you smile. - DE

My husband and I have been following the Healthiest Way of Eating plan with the World's Healthiest Foods for three weeks now. In that time, we've basically experienced a miracle.

I've lost 5 pounds and he has lost 6 pounds, since beginning the plan. The best part of doing your plan is that we aren't hungry. In the past, we have been able to stick to a 'diet' for about two weeks before we give up, usually with a binge. But on the plan, neither of us feel as if we are starving. We are generally not missing the foods we used to eat.

Your recipes are absolutely delicious and satisfying. We both feel that The Healthiest Way of Eating is something we can do for the rest of our lives. Thank you for creating this plan. It has made a huge difference in our lives.

Sincerely, Sylvia

(Sylvia continues to e-mail us about her progress. Two weeks later she had lost 10.5 pounds and her husband had lost 14 pounds)

Weight Loss Success — Without Dieting is a completely revised and updated hard copy version of the Healthy Weight Loss e-book, which contains more in-depth information and a revised menu. We hope it provides a response to the many requests for a hard copy version of the e-book.

The new hardcover book contains 256 pages. It retails for $24.95, including FREE SHIPPING.

Get the First Chapter Free

To find out more of the benefits of the Weight Loss Success — Without Dieting here's a free chapter.

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